Moores Rowland (HK) CPA Limited

Moores Rowland (HK) CPA Limited logo

Specializes in offering accounting, audit and assurance, domestic and cross-border taxation, wealth succession planning, corporate secretarial, business advisory and IPO advisory services in the Greater China Region.

For detailed information, please refer to the firm's website:

Head Office


1102-5 Allied Kajima Building, 138 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


+852 2153 3728

Shenzhen Liaison Office


Room 2505, 25/F, Block A, Zhongmin Times Plaza, No. 3012, Sungang East Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, 518023 China


+86 755 2591 4848

Macau Liaison Office


Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpção, No. 335-341, Centro Hotline, 21 andar H, Macau


+853 6623 3289

Services Provided

Corporate Finance / Transaction Support

Financial Audit

Legal / Company establishment

Pre-IPO Consulting


Internal Audit


Alvin Wan logo

Alvin Wan


Alvin has over 20 years of experience in the field of audit and assurance in major accounting firms in Hong Kong.

He also has wide experience in IPO financial restructuring and review, internal control review and audit, management consultancy and advisory. Moreover, he has participated in various IPO projects in a range of industries.

Alvin has extensive experience in providing in-house and external training courses on the latest updates in financial reporting standards and Companies Ordinance, and is in charge of the firm’s educational and professional development programs.

Thomas Lee logo

Thomas Lee


Thomas is a specialist in international and cross border taxation, wealth succession planning, civil and criminal litigation relating to Hong Kong taxation matters. He is the Founder and Chairman of Thomas Lee & Partners (TLP Group), providing wide range of professional services, including but not limited to audit, tax, corporate secretarial and IPO advisory services.

Thomas is President of Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association (HKPASEA), Past President of the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong (TIHK), Former Senior Assessor and Head of Prosecution Team of Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department, specializing in tax litigation, tax investigations and prosecutions of offences under Hong Kong Tax Laws, and Executive director and independent non-executive director of several public companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.